Sun Safety Tips for Golfers

Golf is a beloved outdoor activity enjoyed by millions, but it also comes with risks, particularly when it comes to sun exposure. Did you know that golfers accumulate over 1.3 billion hours of UV exposure each year? That's a staggering amount, especially considering that over 75% of golfers have fair skin, putting them at higher risk for sunburn and skin cancer.

Understanding the Risks

Research has shown that golfers are particularly vulnerable to sun damage due to the extended time spent outdoors, often during peak UV hours. Even though the top of the head receives the most exposure during golf, other areas of the body are also at risk, making sun protection essential for all golfers.

Sun-Protective Behaviors

Thankfully, golfers can adopt effective sun-protective habits to mitigate their risk. These include wearing a hat, applying sunscreen, wearing sunglasses, and seeking shade when possible. However, some behaviors, like avoiding sun exposure during midday hours or wearing protective clothing, are less commonly practiced.

Common-Sense Tips for Sun Safety

Here are a few common-sense tips that everyone, not just golfers, should follow:

  1. Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face and eyes.

  2. Apply a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to all exposed areas at least 30 minutes before hitting the course and reapply as needed. 

  3. Avoid sunburn at all costs, as it can lead to irreversible skin damage.

  4. Remember that UV rays can penetrate clouds, so sunscreen is still necessary on overcast days.

Closing Thoughts

As warm-weather activities like golf continue to grow in popularity, it's essential to prioritize sun safety. By implementing effective sun-protection strategies and raising awareness about the risks of UV exposure; we can ensure that golf remains a safe and enjoyable activity for years to come.

Personal Sun Protection Routines

We'd love to hear about your personal sun protection routine on the golf course. Share your tips and tricks for staying safe in the sun while enjoying your favorite pastime at

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